Manglier Tea - the FIRST AND ORIGINAL Manglier Tea Company

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"My grandfather's grandfather said the old manglier tree would cure the plague and virus."

The mong-lee-AY tree was used by the old indian, african, and creole families in South Louisiana to cure deep colds and the flu.
It is still used today and it works!
The FIRST AND ORIGINAL Manglier Tea Company

Manglier Tea (Scientific Name: Baccharis halimifolia L.)
(Common Name: Groundsel Bush)
The FIRST AND ORIGINAL Manglier Tea Company and Science Researcher
(All other sites have copied our text and work)
BY: Dr. Steven T. Castille    Email:    Tel: (337) 678-1500 or (337) 565-9105
First Published: Natural Awakenings Magazine Acadiana Edition, May 2010
Manglier Tea (Scientific Name: Baccharis halimifolia L.) (Common Name: Groundsel Bush)

The active ingredient of Manglier Tea is Baccharis Oxide. Baccharis Oxide is a Triterpenoid. Baccharis oxide (the active ingredient in Manglier Tea) is a very powerful triterpenoid (highly multifunctional compound) with very strong antiviral capability.The many general traditional medicinal uses of Baccharis include the treatment of bacterial/fungal infections. This plant works to increase the body’s immune response and fight infections. This is why Manglier Tea has a 200+ history in creole, native american, and cajun cultures for use during cold, flu, and respiratory related infections.

The Baccharis genus has been heavily studied as medicinal plants in hopes of discovering new bioactive components in the search for promising drugs. The Baccharis genus is an important source of natural medicinal products and is well recognized in ethnopharmacology, pharmacology and phytochemistry. Pharmacological studies are mainly based on the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial and antifungal properties.
WRITTEN BY: Dr. Steven T. Castille © Natural Awakenings Magazine Acadiana Edition, 2010
(You may read the same information on other websites - it was copied from our website or publications) - The FIRST AND ORIGINAL Manglier Tea Company

My grandfather's grandfather said the old manglier tree would cure the plague and virus. (Mrs. Clara B., Mallet, Louisiana - 2014.)
"We always knew Manglier Tea cured fever, flu, colds, congestion, made you sweat at night, and tastes horrible - but IT WORKED?"
Natural Awakenings Magazine Acadiana Edition
The FIRST AND ORIGINAL Manglier Tea Company
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